Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Chapter 4: The Cure

Hallelujah! I'm cured! Ok, maybe not that way, but it certainly was an interesting chapter. I loved the story of the cart of rocks (pg 48-51) in short that we take on more than what God asks us to take on then we cry out to Him that he has given us too much. It is just ours, and everyone elses, responsibilities we have taken on that is too much.We may be surprised at how little God actually requires of us. Maybe all the activities you are doing is keeping someone else from doing what God has asked them to do? Think about it.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Chapter 3: The Diagnosis

Sounds like I am going to a doctor for a cold, but that wasn't it. Probably the most difficult chapter that most of us face....worry. UGH! This chapter is helpful by offering signs of worry that we may have passed off as physical ailments or we were just plain crazy! But it also offers ten ways to tame your worry habit with scripture supporting those ways. A very helpful chapter. If you don't read any of the other chapters read this one. Well worth the time. What do you think?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Chapter 2: "Lord, Don't You Care?"

I thought the title of this chapter is one that most, if not all, of us say at some point and time in our walk with our heavenly father. "Lord, don't you care?" seems to be the norm in our times of trial. Our walk is never an easy one, but it certainly is a rewarding one. We don't deserve the love of our father, but he gives it to us anyway. How amazing is that? So what stuck out for you in this chapter? What did God speak to you about? Were you able to "be still and listen?" Scripture: Luke 10:38-42; 1 Kings 19:1-18; Mark 4:35-41; Psalm 103 (ok, who memorized this?!) What were your 3 D's? Care to share?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Chapter 1: A Tale of Two Sisters

I have tried reading this book in the past and loved it, but didn't follow through with the discussion guide because I was the only one reading it. I am excited about our bible study and I hope for those that weren't there tonight you will be able to participate in the discussion here.